Orders are manufactured on demand and shipped within 3 weeks or less of order confirmation. For rush orders whereby product is needed in less than four weeks please be sure to indicate a "must have by date" at the time of order placement. We will do our very best to accommodate all specific timing requests.

All items are packaged by hand with special care to protect your artworks. Unless specific instructions are provided at the time of order placement, our shipping department will use their best judgment when selecting a freight carrier. At the time of your order, please note should you require any special services such as a lift gate, residential delivery, “must have by date”, 24 hour notification, etc or if you have specific receiving days or times.

Shipping rates are calculated by the size of the package. Depending on order size and picture size, orders will either be boxed and palletized for shipment via common carriers (on pallets) or shipped via Fedex / UPS. In instances where it makes economic sense and the size of each item ordered does not exceed an outward dimension of 30” x 30”, Wendover will ship your order via Fedex / UPS. 

Please feel free to reach out to for any specific shipping and handling questions.